Disaster relief pledge given to the Government of Laos

Phu Bia Mining has pledged LAK 500,000,000 (US$25,000) to the Government of Laos to assist in the country’s disaster relief efforts to support the provinces affected by flooding and landslides.

A handover ceremony was held at the Ministry of Energy and Mines in Vientiane on 22 August. During the ceremony, Phu Bia Mining Chairman, Mr Chanpheng Bounnaphol and Mr Steve Gimpel, PBM Managing Director and representing PanAust and Guangdong Rising Holding Group Co., Ltd presented a cheque to the Minister of Energy and Mines, His Excellency Phoxay Xayasone.

During the ceremony, Phu Bia Mining provided the Minister with an update on its award winning and international best practice Operations in Xaisomboun Province, and programs created to advance socio-economic development for local communities, and the direct and indirect benefits for the people of Laos and the country.


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